Friday 6 May 2016

Our 18 Tablet series of wisdom

Scientific Series.

Vedic Series

Ritualistic series

Personality Development Series

Traditional Series

New book in Traditional series

                                        The Sign of health. 

Evolutionary Series

 Evolutionary Series
 These Series of books which should be read in the first seven years of the birth of the child in the respective periods of time, which triggers both. spiritual and physical evolutionary aspects in proportionate with time cycles which resonates human evolution with planetary evolutionary evolution.
This is a combined research of Science andTheology

produced from Biotechnologist, Anthrolopoligst, Astrologers  Biologists , Homeopaths, Doctors, Psychologists , Masonic Templar's Religious Scholars who study of Ancient spiritual and secret teachings of all ages

1.      ASTROLOGICAL - SERIES= Astro chants for infant and parents to expound the concealed plan of life from birth to birthday, in following weeks ,fortnightly and  months. zodiacal mysteries is one among such 

2.    SACRED  SERIES/ aligns the consciousness with intelligences working behind should be read at every two months in second  year  of the birth of the child.
3.    DRAMATIC- SERIES=  The socio spiritualistic therapy for better understanding of human nature and life at every  month third  year of birth.




4.    SPIRITUAL SERIES=for expounding of spiritual consciousness in mundane life in 12 months of fourth year of the child.

5.   HOLY SERIES  the key between the human and cosmos which should be chanted 12 months of the year and enigma of enfoldment of  five senses in the fifth year of the child.

6.    MYSTIC SERIES/ the secrets of human journey and destiny read before the child on 6the year of the child at every bimonthly periods of year.
7.    MEDITATIONAL  SERIES/ should be given or the child as  an object of meditation at 7 the year at every week from the birth day of the child


Child Health series

Mihira Child Health Care

Mihira is presenting you wisdom  series of books on child health. child health series of books helps the mother  to give a healthy progeny and therapies for the infant child from  nine months of pregnancy to  immediate 6 hours of birth to 7 years of child to reconcile the evolutionary steps with pace of the growth of the child. and book on parenting new generation kids.   
 Natal Music series contain three music series of books. These three books should be read  in pregnancy 6 hours of the birth and first seven days of the birth of the child NISHEKHA NIDHI during pregnancy, SISU SAMSKARA NIDHI during 6 hours of the birth, and SISU SAMRAKSHANA NIDHI during seven days  to 70 days of the birth of the child. it also contains fourth book SISU PARYAVEKSHANA  Nidhi  New Era parenting for the new generation kids which comprises various techniques of parenting the children.


Psycho- Genetic Series

Bio Music Series


Mihira Wisdom Teaching Temple presents you Bio music series which helps in healing of pain and diseased state and relives you from pressures of  stress and strain. The effect of sound on human systems is an proved experimental truth which is widely practiced all over the world .Basing on Indian ancient classical and karnatic music played with the help of instruments and vocal music we are attempting few ragas and sounds of music which proved to be success in this endeavor .
An combined effort of Biotechnologist and Musical scholars a Novel way of approach to the music is made with the same old import of music ,Proving its novelty in its application than in  its composition.  In Compositions of  few Bio- musical notes ,we have  found similarity of the notes with that of random DNA structural samples in the process of research. So with the aid of bio-informatics tools, we have attempted to synchronize the sample structures of DNA with musical notes which gave rise to new combinations of Musical notes in sequel With DNA sequences.
 The effect of music over a prolonged period of time proved useful in altering some of the damaged DNA structures. So with the experimental values we have made found some ragas of both eastern and western Music , with the hope of  amending the deformed DNA structures. with the research  we have made, coming forward with  this attempt. May this attempt may result in establishing the health of the patient in strength.
 Along with theses Mihira is trying to produce various other therapies which proved successful in the child development and individual betterment with the combined research of Science Music, Theology, Astrology, Psychology, Anthropology, Medicine, Arts. Genetics, Homeopathy, bio-informatics, Ayurveda, and many other interdisciplinary branches for  physical ,psychological developments and to endure both physical  mental pain, and stress.

M.Pradyumna  Associate Editor Mihira.
B Tech - Bio Technologist,  Dp- Bioinformatics.
-DNA Music Theraphy.
Each part of the cell, and molecules of the body move with a speed in the body and are composed with a definite unique sequence which is no redundant in its composition and functionality.
 In our research , each sequence with the help of bio informatics tools is producing  a rhythm of sound, therefore   producing a definite tones of music. when these sequences are again subjected to processing in the bioinformatical study of DNA music software  a definite order is produced which resembles  the  ragas and the notes of the western and eastern musical compositions.
Then we have extracted the diseased  genes and went for processing the gene in the tool which gave rise to astonishing fact that it is missing the rhythm of the notes as it was producing in the healthy individual. so with the ragas found and made in our research we are producing few ragas of few tissues which may help in producing alignment of sequences in order with the help of external music to the some extent rather than experiencing a random  atmosphere surrounding the patient. This is called DNA Music Therapy. we have given this therpahy in various hospitals,clincs,which prooved their workings to some extent.
we have also several other therapies, (from Mihira Publications patented) like
1.      womb music Garbha Samskar for the pregnant women.
2.      Infant Music Therapy for just born in the immediate hours of birth.
3.       Psychological Music therapy for the infant from 7th day to 70 days.
4.      psychogenetic chants for  the just born during first seven days of birth.
5.      Astro Chants during first three days, 2o days every month of the birth of the child and birth day of individual.
6.      Bio Music theraphy-1 for heart patients.
Depending upon the various  bio-musical experiments, some compositions  are composed  which helps in curing of various diseases , psychic abnormalities,  genetical disorders and child development. Mihira with a Team of  a Novel Biotechnologist M.Pradyumna  and  his team of Doctors has done experimental research on these bio music and releasing theses series which would help society creating good environment for the cure of patients .These are scientifically presented papers by M.  Pradyumna and are  patented to Mihira Publications.
All copyrights are reserved for the material ,concepts and research produced.

                                                                                                                              Mihira .

Astro Series

              MIHIRA   ASTRO SERIES
         ASTRO -BIOLOGICAL Therapeutics

 Mihira is presenting you Astro-biologicaltherapies for infants which can be chanted, listened or enacted at  respective periodical timing of birth of the child.  These therapies can also be used  by every individual from  the birth date   according to the  respective time cycles.
 These therapies helps in evoking the various psychological, biological, genetical and etheric vehicles of human constitution and sprouts the Astro -biological seeds of human body in due periods, hours and seconds with respect  to planetary movements.

These series help in accession  of Astro physiological, Astro- psychological   and Astro- biological phenomenon of life to rearrange the lines of energy in human constitution.
This is a combined research from Astrologist, Psychologist, Biologist,Biotechnologist, Astro-Physicist, Pediatrician,Homeopaths and  Anthropologist..

1. Zodiacal Mysteries.
Zodiacal mysteries is  to be read every month from  your birth date .

2.Vedic Tarrot  (Astro-Meditation) 
 These are to be kept as symbols of meditation  at every week of the year.

3.Planetary Plans.

These are to be read during the first three days of the birth of the child and every  week and month  on the birth day  and date by  any individual.

4. Stellar Splendours.

These are to be read for every 20 days from birth date of the child .

                    Mihira calendar series
Mihira is presenting you calendar series from Astrological Research School.

These calendar series contain panchanga, astrological calendars  andhoroscope predictions for 12 zodiacal signs each year.
These series also gives significance of each year and its symbolical plans concealed in it and  help in providing hints, suggestions, techniques and remedies  for the easy run of life in tune with plan of the year lord.

Telugu panchanga with horoscope predictions.

2.Celestial Cycles

Horoscope predictions for 12 zodiacal signs  each year and celestial prophecies of the year.

Wall calendars with daily remainder column  and   panchanga in telugu

4.Pocket Diaries.

Dairies with panchanga in English and monthly remainders.

5. Astro Health Series