Wednesday 19 August 2015

Mihira publications

 Mihira has opened a  Publication house  with a serene thought to serve a sacred mission.

              In this new age the method of imparting truth necessitates to initiatory   process of transcension  of illumined minds via stimulation of latent centre’s in them. This   prerequisites a medium  to transmit the necessary teaching to the public.  Among one such is  a medium of letters which awakens ones consciousness  ,in order to cultivate ones inner divine nature, in the turmoil’s of this material world , with the plough of knowledge .  MIHIRA  through publication house  helps to train one  self   in various  subjects of learning, and  to tread along the path of life ,with a lamp of  a Real  knowledge to  reach ones destiny of life .

Mihra through its Research Library produces publications relating to various branches of knowledge  translating  the knowledge resources into wisdom resources to realize the purpose of wisdom in real life.
This wisdom teaching series   helps   to realize one purpose and plan of life in this great divine plan. They contain more practical applications than theoretical dogmas which transmutates the mind into   dynamic activity from inertia .
                        This publication  house contains various occult literatures, wisdom teaching series  and various other sacred books about to health, medicine,  mediation , ancient health techniques, and   ancient cult and rituals ,Relating to each aspects and quality of various forms of god ,which when venerated bestows health ,wealth, prosperity , luck , etc and various other  books relating,
                      Along with, these publications mihira also opened  a Musical Library which contains various lectures of our divine master deciphered  on various sacred occasions and events.  This divine flow of knowledge was preserved in CD and DVD for matte. our music library  also contains  these wisdom teaching series  delivered on sacred events by our holy masters.

 May this wisdom teaching series may enlighten all the explorers of truth with a serene thought, in order start sacred missions in their lives. May the underlying Truth of life  bring
                             universal   brotherhood.

OUR BOOKS since 1998-2016.

1.          BRIHAT JATAKAM
          This is a special edition which deals with explanation of sacred hymns which explains the science of astrology which operates in nature and reflects its working through twelve constellations called zodiac sighns  and depicts the nature and quality of each sign .it is composed in telugu.                               

       this is a  special edition designed with  the combination of Astrology with mantra sastra .. Every sound has a potency and vibration related with, when that sound is heard or uttered forth it recalls that particular vibration  related with the sound potency called forth. Basing on  this theory the ancients designed a tablet which relates the sound potency  of the person in accordance with the horoscope  basing on which name of the person will be designed which is conducted in form a small ritual called NAMAKARANAM .This book helps in knowing the vibration and nature behind the first alphabet of any ones name and to design one name basing on their kundalini .may this book help you in knowing and understanding of various sound potencies  concealed in your name and to frame new name tablets.
it provides you with methods to overcome the effects of birth stars.  believing that all the stars and constellations forms different parts of the body of the  Great Lord who sleeps on the snake of Eternal Time we give you different mediations for each star which reveals the  concealed symbolism of each birth star. .Hence this book gives you the raksha from  various ill effects of the birth stars may this book  paves you the path to vision the lord through your birth star meditation .


 It is a branch of Astrology which deals with the  depiction of trend of events that occur in a day .BY observing the happenings in time through movement of person things in the environment surrounding us we get   certain  indications, precautions that natures shows through the vibration produced in co ordination with nature and human beings in form of  shakunas . hence these shakunas or indications  gives forecomings of future trend of events,  revealing itself in every movement  of life, in the form of indications  reflecting in ever present time which is mysterious play of time thus the  natures language is deciphered through incidents in life caused as HAPPENNIGS  of time ,may this book unlock the doorway of communication between human and divine.

Books on ancient cult and rituals

IT DEALS with the symbolic interpretation  of the ritual of lord ganesh which will be performed yearly on  vinayaka chatudasi .
it deals with the meaning of the slokas that were chanted during the pujas in order to have right symbolism underlying in each action in pujas for right understanding of ceremony and it helps one to do pujas in their home.

      IT IS A BOOK SPECIALLY DESIGNED TO PERFORM lord Shiva puja .it contains all the details with meaning and actions to be performed in the ritual. it is a composed with mantric and tantric  text with Vedic hyms which when chanted regularly bestows tremendous wealth health luck into your life. these are been practically imparted by the sages to their disciples in subtle ways .this book contains  all those secret  sacred ritualic method to bring prosperity into your life.

      IT DEALS WITH THE TRADITIONAL WAY OF WORSHIP OF LORDESS LAKSHMI. it contains  various sacred hymns with meaning and  commentaries in worshiping of lordess lakshmi.  .It is also used to perform varalakshmi vratam in the month of  Margaseersha .This vratam endows all the ladies with  plentiness satiation wealth and prosperity in their family .

4.          SHRIMATA
    This book contains many secret hymns related to lordess of wealth, power and knowledge . These book also gives you all the injunctions and instructions to be followed  in all the 9 days celebrations of duserra according to ancient  s ordained path in order to beget fruitful results  .may this book leave you at the feet of mother.any one irrespective of their caste creed and sect can perform these pujas sincerely.

     This book is  encyclopedia of all the vedic rituals and contains all the sacred chants of  all the ancient tradition,that are ordained for a householder to perform. This book also gives you all the ritualistic methods to be observed in daily life  in order to link with divine consciousness in human frame.

It deals with the systematic methods  in worshiping embodiment of dharma lord sri Rama.

      This book is special designed for revealing the inner symblosim that are concealed in the scriptures about waxing and wanning of moon pharses which effects bilological life of species in many ways. This book presents you with the mediations techniques and sacred hyms which should be chanted on each moon pharse which resembles with the cosmic changes, and connects human with the cosmos.  

        It is a specially designed for house ladies to perform daily tualsi puja for longevity and haleth of the family. It can be used for the puja on ksheerabdi dwadasi in the month of November .This book   contains methods of worship of godess Tulasi  that are ordained for a house wife to perform for the welfare of the family. .This book  also contains traditionally extracted hymns  from ancient vedic  text, to attain the blessings of lord Narayan and  mother Lakshmi. may this book reach all the mothers in plentiness and fill your life with happiness.

Books on   child  theraphy

       This edition deals with the methods and practices that pregnant woman should observe during the nine months of pregnancy in order to beget a pure & divine child in the family free from all genetic and inherent disorders . Methods prescribed  in this book are approved by  both  scientist and theosophist. It is both .scientifically and spiritually  mended Booklet with an audioCD which should be heard during pregnancy period. This CD contains hymns  and mantras that should be heard during each  month of pregnancy which ensure healthy baby free from all abnormalities  . may this book place you divine soul in your family.

 Mihira sisu samskara nidhi

This book presents you with  music therapy  for the child during birth  in operation theatre and after delivery for the first six hours .this project was bought out by biotechnologist combining biology .  with multi disciplinary branches of knowledge

MIHIRA Saptansa  vibhagam

It reveals .  The  seven fold activity and seven fold time cycles in our life. It’s a planner and guide which throws the light of plan in our daily life to unlock the keys of human and divine. IT gives you plan how to plan  our life for every seven scales of time cycles form  years scale to hours scale. It gives the   necessary precautions and injunctions to be followed to unlock the keys of human and divine.    

Books on health and personality development

Positive pleasing personality

This book is deigned  for young souls in order to blossom in all manners of life and to achieve
                               Success in life .
                                This edition provides you with all the techniques,
                                Guidelines ,inspiring stories , disciplinary exercises in all
                                Aspects ,to achieve success in our lives.  This book  fills the readers with  positive 
                                  Energy and attitude, which attracts such people  around us thus forming a positive environment around us, which paves path to success. May this book transform all its readers into leaders of society .                                                                                      

Ancient Health Techiniques in Modern Living
                                This book deals with techniques for a sound health in these  modern age of sophisticated life. It contains  health techniques prescribed by our ancients who set an example for us  in all ways.It contains  two sections among which one deals  with exoteric health techniques and  the other with esoteric health improving methods.  This edition also deals about basic anatomical changes that occur during seasonal climatic conditions and all methods to nullify all by bringing balance between food and exercise and  helps in prevention of ill health than cure.
May this book place  good health in your hands.

Books on astrology in daily life

 mudras and samudrikam VASTU = The science of man and arrangement of things in his life

        This book is a compilation based on observation of various seers of wisdom about the interconnection between the human expression, behavior , and their body language with the internal character and nature. This science is been existing from ancient times which was used in the poetic phrases in the ancient scriptures.  our nature expresses itself through our behavior. Basing on this theory of reflection of our nature through body language .mihira has made certain benedictions . may this book help oneself to understand ones own nature and others to help oneself and others.


Mudralu 1 & 2

 It is a  science  which was primarily imparted  by the occult tantrics to their disciples. But it was now turned out into science of healing where using this science of mudras, many diseases are being cured . this science of  mudras is well explained in the issue with  many remedies to many problems in life. May these series of books place good health in our hands.

Mihira Vastu

This book deals with science of arrangement of things and   infrastructures in house , office..

Books on numerology

 Numerology a new dimension.                          This is branch of astrology .which deals with  various numerological operations  that operate in  nature. This book presents you with the numbers that operate through alphabets which effects us through   ones  name and birth date. It deals with undercurrent operations  of numbers through sound potency present innately in the alphabets of ones name.  Hence it presents before us  a new dimension in numerology by opening a key which revels the magic of numbers and their mystic working in this world .  May this book reveal the numerological secrets to link human to divine.


This book deals with occult operations of the numbers, it unveils interlink keys between sound color shape and number which establishes link between the nature and human. In all ancient scriptures the  symbolism of numbers were given ,which explains  evolution of life forms in nature, through mystic working of numbers which are  occult in nature. Hence  this occult numerology reveals you the symbolism of these  Numerical entities which form the bridge between divine and human forms. This edition also presents you with the techniques to vision the plan of life  and secret workings lying behind the evolution of  all  life forms .may this occult wisdom enlighten all the readers .

Our series