Wednesday 19 August 2015

Mihira publications

 Mihira has opened a  Publication house  with a serene thought to serve a sacred mission.

              In this new age the method of imparting truth necessitates to initiatory   process of transcension  of illumined minds via stimulation of latent centre’s in them. This   prerequisites a medium  to transmit the necessary teaching to the public.  Among one such is  a medium of letters which awakens ones consciousness  ,in order to cultivate ones inner divine nature, in the turmoil’s of this material world , with the plough of knowledge .  MIHIRA  through publication house  helps to train one  self   in various  subjects of learning, and  to tread along the path of life ,with a lamp of  a Real  knowledge to  reach ones destiny of life .

Mihra through its Research Library produces publications relating to various branches of knowledge  translating  the knowledge resources into wisdom resources to realize the purpose of wisdom in real life.
This wisdom teaching series   helps   to realize one purpose and plan of life in this great divine plan. They contain more practical applications than theoretical dogmas which transmutates the mind into   dynamic activity from inertia .
                        This publication  house contains various occult literatures, wisdom teaching series  and various other sacred books about to health, medicine,  mediation , ancient health techniques, and   ancient cult and rituals ,Relating to each aspects and quality of various forms of god ,which when venerated bestows health ,wealth, prosperity , luck , etc and various other  books relating,
                      Along with, these publications mihira also opened  a Musical Library which contains various lectures of our divine master deciphered  on various sacred occasions and events.  This divine flow of knowledge was preserved in CD and DVD for matte. our music library  also contains  these wisdom teaching series  delivered on sacred events by our holy masters.

 May this wisdom teaching series may enlighten all the explorers of truth with a serene thought, in order start sacred missions in their lives. May the underlying Truth of life  bring
                             universal   brotherhood.

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